Has college not gone exactly as you hoped it would? Are there things you’d like to do differently when you head back in the fall? Would you benefit from a supportive group of peers to help process your college experience so far, set goals for your return to school, and build skills to help? This group is designed to help you feel prepared and excited to make the most of your college experience.
Build skills to help:
Cope with challenges as they arise
Effectively balance academics ad fun
Manage anxiety and stress
Minimize self-doubt thought mindfulness and coping techniques
Connect with your new community
Develop time management tools Set and achieve your goals
Date + Time:
Thursdays, 11am – 1pm
Facilitator (Click name for license and registration information): Hilary Deckard, MA, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT#101252)
Cost: $180 per session
To Register or Learn More: Call our Intake Team at 626-585-8075 ext 108 or email Intake@IFGD.care