My Sole Called Life: A Dynamic Summer Walking and Confidence Building Group for Young Adults

This 10-week summer group uses invigorating walking and productive discussion to help build confidence, grow skills for managing anxiety, and take your self-esteem to the next level!

Each week we’ll focus on a new skill for leveling-up your inner-dialogue and sense of identity through intentional movement, camaraderie, and mindfulness. It’s one thing to dream about making a positive change; this is an opportunity to take steps to reach a more confident you!

Have you ever noticed that your best ideas evolve while you’re on the move? Our group will meet at the Institute and introduce our topic for the week. Next, we’ll head out on a fast-paced 30-minute walk through charming Old Pasadena, allowing space for your mind to get active, think over the week’s theme, and share ideas with your walking partner. Following our walk, we’ll have open discussion and build solid skills as a group with thirty minutes of reflection and mindful stretching in a nearby park.

The benefits of walking and movement in wellness:

  • Studies show that increasing your heart rate before learning a new skill supports integration and retention because the mind-body is active.
  • Movement in the physical body increases feelings of self-efficacy.
  • Building camaraderie supports our likelihood of success.
  • Building community supports overall well-being and ability to manage emotions. 

We hope you’ll join us!

Dates + Times:

  • Wednesdays, June 7th – August 9th, 10:30am – 11:30am

Cost: $90 per session

Facilitator: Lidia Garcia, MSW

Learn More and Register: Contact our Intake Team at or 626-585-8075 ext. 108.